Sunday, August 2, 2009

Joseph and John's Birthday

I am so blessed to have two amazing sons! Even though they are 6 years apart, they get along so well and really do love each other a ton. I believe it is because Joseph prayed so long for a little brother. Three years to be exact! Then two days after his own birthday in 2006, John was born. He is so kind and takes such good care of his little brother. He even lets him scratch the back of his arm at night to go to sleep! J

This year, Joseph turned 9 on June 7th and John Alexander turned 3 on June 9th. It is fun having them this close because we celebrate them together. Joseph got to share the morning with Grandpa Jesse whose birthday is on the 5th. We then had a party and opened a ton of presents. The next day John took Joseph and his two buds to Jump Zone and they all had so much fun. We are praising God for sending some good friends that have great families! Then on the 9th, we had a birthday breakfast for John and a small family party that evening with presents and gifts. He was totally excited opening each gift! Please don’t judge me on his cake…there is only so much I could do with a gluten/dairy free cake! It looked pitiful!

Joseph, I see such a depth and maturity in you. You long to hear God’s voice and ask all the time what His plan is for you. You are wise with your money (you have over $400 in your bank) and very frugal. I am sure you will be a great businessman! Your heart is so tender and you never want to hurt someone or disappoint. You still love animals and like playing with them and learning all sorts of interesting facts about them. I am so glad you love me and still hug me!! I love to watch you dance (wow…you are really good!) and have fun with your family. You are one cool kid!

John Alexander, you are definitely a happy little boy! You love to hug and also scratch the back of anyone’s arm that will let you…it’s how you go to sleep. I love when you walk up to me and say, “You’re pwetty Momma” or “I love you Mom. You are a special Mom.” It just melts my ever-living heart to hear you say that!! You are a rough and tumble kid and like to wrestle and jump off anything. You also love to sing. Your favorites right now is “You are My Sunshine” and “Come Rain or Shine” by Danny Gokey and “Jesus Take the Wheel.” You like to play animals with your siblings and your color really well.

I love you my two mighty warriors of God! He has huge plans for your life! You boys are called to great things and I look forward to Him unfolding His plan for you!



That is a great pic you have for your blog title. Where was that taken? Thanks!


I am not sure about the new fire dept off of Keller-Smithfield. I live off right down the street from there. I will have to drive by and check it out. I am always looking for a great picture spot. Thanks. I love your blog and your family is beautiful.

The Skaggs said...

They are SO cute! Hope y'all had a great time!

Melissa Terry said...

Such a great post about your boys and your heart for them... I love it!