Sunday, April 27, 2008

Changes-March Pt. 1

March was a very exciting month in our home, so I will split it up into a few parts!
First of all we celebrated one of our dearest friends 70th birthday. Although his birthday was in December, we were not able to get his present here and actually celebrate until Feb 22. (I know this should technically be in last month's but I downloaded the pictures in March so it threw me off).
Tom is my husband's spiritual dad and is just downright amazing! He and his precious wife are so dear to us and we are honored to be a part of their lives! They came in to visit so we did birthday dinner at Saltgrass and then John had a giant cookie made. We all enjoyed it- especially the blue icing! Even with blue teeth, these two are still adorable and classy!

Then on March 1st, we welcomed Isaac Thomas Terry into the world!! John and I got to be there for almost the whole time and it was so special. Melissa is seriously a rockstar and did such a fantastic job. I watched as Joe took such great care of her and was reminded me of how much I love this guy! He is just perfect for Melissa!! He has proved to be such a strong, wise and caring husband these last 2 years to our spiritual daughter! I know he will be an amazing dad as well! Here is little "I"as my 2 yr old calls him! He is precious! I felt so blessed to be there as he entered the world and I loved getting to see Melissa love on him the moment he arrived. She is already a phenomenal mom!

Our good friends, The Davidsons, came in for a birthday party. Brad and John were roomates before we got married. Jenifer and I went to rival high schools in Houston and met at church years later in Longview. They got married 2 months after us and we loved hanging out as newly married couples (they lived on our street)! It was such fun times. They now have 4 kiddos and have moved away. We love getting together and this time was extra special. We went to church together, went on a date (just the adults) and then me and Jen got away for a little shopping!! The next day we went to their oldest daughter's bday party at the American Girl Bistro and the girls had a blast. This is the ONLY pic I got while they were here!! All 9 eating breakfast!!

This is Sarah (4)and I going on a girl date!! Sarah so looks up to her big brother that she sometimes wants to be just like him! I took her out to remind her how fabulous it is being a girl!! We went shopping and compared the drab boy clothes to the oh-so-lovely girl stuff. We then had lunch and a cookie and sat by the fountains to talk! She really got into it and bought some sparkly, gold flip-flops! It was sooo much fun! She is a sweetie and I loved getting some alone time with her.

Hannah getting her sisters dressed in the morning-part of her morning duty. She does a great job, doesn't she?

The kids playing in the mud and little John being silly!

Rebekah giving herself a make over and the 5 fabuloso kids! They are too much!


Lacy said...

Nicole~ I love your blog! Your family is so beautiful!

Michawn said...

Girlfriend, yet again I just know that Sarah is meant to be my daughter-in-law. Don't make her too girly, O.K.? :)

Also, so cute seeing the same clothes on your kids that I see on mine every day since you gave us half of your matching stash. Thanks again for giving us your oh so great hand-me-downs. By the way, how do your kiddos manage to keep everything so darn clean? Lots of your great clothes are now stained, but they are getting some great use.

Love you!!

js said...

Sweet, sweet kids. Can't wait to see you all this week. I love that picture of Melissa- it made me cry. There is just something so sweet about it. Love you.

Melissa Terry said...

Do you see my little man coming out of the womb with the "rooting" face in that picture. He has the suction of a vaccum! I can't thank you enough for praying, interceeding, and doing my pressure points :) during Isaac's birth. "I" loves you and so does

Melissa Terry said...

Do you see my little man coming out of the womb with the "rooting" face in that picture. He has the suction of a vaccum! I can't thank you enough for praying, interceeding, and doing my pressure points :) during Isaac's birth. "I" loves you and so does

Unknown said...

Hey Nicole - I enjoyed catching up on your blog and family! My sister lives in Watauga, TX and their home church is also Gateway. I'm actually here this week helping her with her kids. Just about a month ago, they learned that their middle child, Gracie (6), has a brain tumor. I hope you can meet them sometime at Gateway...I'll tell her to keep an eye out for you! If you and your family can pray for Gracie, we'd so appreciate it!

Leah McKinney